So often in life as a single woman, I find myself looking in the mirror and wondering, "Where did I go wrong?". As little girls, marriage and motherhood is so deeply ingrained into our visions of adulthood that we often fail to imagine any adulthood at all without these things. Then, when we reach the age of physical maturity and have still not acheived these expected rites of passage, we begin to feel doubt and worry. Doubt that we are "good enough" to deserve a husband; worry that we are unloveable or ugly.
In turning to the Word of God, we can quickly see that doubt and worry have no place in our lives as a Christian woman. In Philippians 4:11-13, Paul encourages the Philippians:
"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST which strengtheneth me."
Content: (Strong's Concordance # 842) "autarkes" = "self-complacent; content".
(Vine's Expository Dictionary) = "sufficient in oneself, self-sufficient, adequate, needing no assistance; hence, content"
If we take a look at the context here, we can note that Paul is referring to a situation where he was in need of assistance in the work he was doing and had not always received the help that perhaps he should have. Nevertheless, he was CONTENT in whatever state God had placed him in. We know from reading in other scriptures that some of those "states" included prison, shipwreck, stoning and false accusations from fellow Christians. And to think that I find myself complaining because I don't have a husband and this makes me feel insecure!! Paul had learned the true definition of contentment, as we see above, which is being "self-complacent" and "needing no assistance". He placed his trust in God and didn't need the affirmation of others in order to be fulfilled.
Notice how Paul says "I have be content". Contentment is not something that comes easily to any of us. We all have our natural tendencies to want more, to feel like the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But by looking at God to guide our emotions and motives, we can LEARN to be content in whatever life situation He chooses to place us in. Through this study series, we will be looking at ways to find contentment in life circumstances (even when they aren't the ones we would've chosen for ourselves), as well as reminding ourselves of the benefits found in living a life of contentment. I truly believe that it is possible to be both single and content. We don't need to wait on Prince Charming to come along and make all of our dreams come true; we already have access to the King of Kings, and he is the only one who can truly bring contentment to our hearts!!
(New) 1st Annual Girls' Trip
21 hours ago
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